• Question: What can I do to attract wildlife to the river in my garden?

    Asked by anon-258602 to Chloe on 11 Jul 2020.
    • Photo: Chloe Carter

      Chloe Carter answered on 11 Jul 2020:

      I think the best way to attract wildlife is to provide a space for them, I live in a city which makes it hard to attract wildlife. In my garden I have 2 different bird feeders which has attracted some pigeons, blackbirds, and sparrows. I made a bug house out of an old plastic bottle and some bamboo canes (https://schoolgardening.rhs.org.uk/resources/activity/make-a-simple-bug-or-ladybird-home). I was bought some flower bombs (https://kabloom.co.uk/) and I have planted these, the bees love them, and I have had butterflies and caterpillars too! I grew up on a farm so miss seeing ducks, pheasants, hedgehogs, dear and foxes in the garden.
