• Question: What are some wider reading recommendations related to electrical engineering?

    Asked by anon-256861 on 18 Jun 2020.
    • Photo: Andy Kowalski

      Andy Kowalski answered on 18 Jun 2020:

      Sorry Rachinta, can’t answer as I am a Chemist and don’t have any information in that area.

    • Photo: Amber Villegas - Williamson

      Amber Villegas - Williamson answered on 18 Jun 2020:

      I would highly recommend checking out The IET website designed for young people (ages 4 – 19) https://education.theiet.org/ there is loads of information there to help develop your critical thinking.

      Also check out the Royal Academy of engineering website https://www.raeng.org.uk/education/stem-at-home for more info

      In terms of recommending books specifically aimed at learning more about Electrical Engineering simply it gets tricky cos even the “basic” and “introduction” ones are a little zzzzzzzzzzzz even for me.

      I would recommend following Ebony on Twitter / Instagram / YouTube as she’s started to produce videos explaining electrical Engineering terms and concepts.

      Maybe we should write a book for Electrical Engineering to explain things similarly to the book on structural engineering written by Roma Agrawal? What do you think? Wanna help?

    • Photo: Chloe Carter

      Chloe Carter answered on 19 Jun 2020:

      Do you know if your school has access to JSTOR or any other academic journal website, google scholar might also be of use? There may be some things of interest on there, just search for a topic you are interested in and there will be lots of readings – don’t be disheartened if you don’t understand some of the papers, I still have to read some papers multiple times to understand them!

    • Photo: Sreejita Ghosh

      Sreejita Ghosh answered on 19 Jun 2020:

      During high school I referred to this Physics book https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Fundamentals+of+Physics+Extended%2C+10th+Edition-p-9781118230725
      It can be a nice introduction to engineering in general. 🙂

    • Photo: Martin Coath

      Martin Coath answered on 23 Jun 2020: last edited 23 Jun 2020 7:59 am

      It is worth pointing out that everything you read, about any subject, will make you a better engineer in the end. And the point about reading being ‘related to electrical engineering’ is that you can never know if it is. To be a really good engineer you need to be creative, and creativity can feed on a *huge* range of knowledge and experience. Read and learn from things that are beautifully written – and maybe your reports will be more widely read and influential. Read and learn from many cultures – and maybe you will make a personal connection with some far off community that needs an engineer. (I won’t go on, I am sure you get the point – everything is related!) 😀
