• Question: How HR( Human resources) benefit from data analytics

    Asked by anon-258212 on 1 Jul 2020.
    • Photo: Lucy Craddock

      Lucy Craddock answered on 1 Jul 2020:

      This is a really interesting question and there is a lot of data analysis needed for human resources. It’s opften said that people are your most valuable asset and much be treated as such. Many systems are in place to keep employees happy and assign them as effectively as possible. An example would be monitoring rate of retirement and diversity, skill acquirement (hiring the right skills), and turnover rates (people coming and out of the company). This is a really fascinating area of research but I think Google takes the cake. You can read about their interesting studies here: https://www.insidehr.com.au/how-google-reinvented-hr/ my favourite being the affect of snacking and employee productivity. You can read about it here: https://onezero.medium.com/how-google-got-its-employees-to-eat-their-vegetables-a2206820d90d

    • Photo: Aisling Ryan

      Aisling Ryan answered on 14 Jul 2020:

      Although I don’t work in HR (and never have), I’m sure they do! In HR they are making sure that everyone is happy and being treated well. By collecting data about people and analysing that data this should help HR to do their jobs 🙂 If they didn’t collect data (or information) from people then they wouldn’t know how to help them!
